Attention Veterans in and around Juniata County, Pa. If you were born here, live here, have family here or work here, or not sure, the Juniata County Veterans Council would like to add your name to our Veterans Honor Roll. This Honor Roll is an online list of our veterans from WW 1 to the present. All that is required is that you be an honorably discharged veteran with a form DD 214 or equivalent separation document and on file with the county Courthouse or verified, if requested, by the county VA director and or a current active duty or Reserve veteran. Just add your data to the form and “Send It”. We will add your name to to this List. PLEASE NOTE: Due to Identity theft concerns, we will not add DOB to the list for living veterans.
"because we proudly served our country, we honor those who also served"
Please Note: This site is now secure. All data entry forms are encrypted for privacy.